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2/13 weekly eblast

It has been a busy series of weeks for our family as we settle into life here in Colorado. We love the landscape, the cultural vibe and all of the friends we are making! Our stuff was finally delivered last week and we are now in our new house in South Boulder. I continue to feel extremely grateful to be here as your minister, in this place, at this time! HERE is the link to Sunday's sermon in case you missed it. Connect with us this Thursday at Caffe Sole for Community Office Hours. Thank you for all of the ways you keep showing up! Peace, Nicole


CUCC Explorations

Are you curious about CUCC Membership? Our beliefs? Creeds? Secret handshakes? Come learn more on Sunday, Feb 24th after church at 11:45 AM. Contact Nicole for more info and to RSVP. 

Upcoming CCC/PCE Event

A CCC and PCE sponsored multi generational service and fellowship gathering is coming soon. We will be collecting at 3 PM on Saturday, February 23 to prepare and organize a dinner, deliver some to an Attention Homes residence, and share the rest together.  Carol Gibson and Stan Stutzman will be sharing some of their experiences as volunteer outreach workers for Attention Homes and there will be music and singing led by Pete T and others. If you are interested in joining us please contact Heather or Judi K to find out more and be assigned something to bring.  It is important for us to know how many people will be coming and to cover all the needed food. 

CUCC Wins Double CROP Hunger Walk Awards!

Last Sunday, we received awards for raising the largest sum of money, and having the highest percentage participation for the 2019 CROP Hunger Walk. Way to go, CUCC!  

Needed: Someone with a passion to work on gun violence

CUCC joined the Colorado Faith Communities United To End Gun Violence in 2018. Social Action is looking for someone to help manage the Rapid Response email list and make sure that others are aware of actions needed, etc. CFCU is looking at ways for Boulder congregations to be involved without going to Denver. Please contact Social Action if you are at all interested.

Sunday Lay Duties: Volunteers Needed

Please go to SUNDAY LAY DUTIES to sign up for the essential roles which keep our services running smoothly. We would love for all CUCCers to be involved! You may also sign up for the nearest four weeks using a clipboard available every Sunday at church. (Online sign up will be disabled on weekends to avoid double-booking with the Sunday clipboard). Thank you for your service to our community!

EFAA Food Drive Coming

Our EFAA food drive starts 2/24 and ends on 3/31.  Be sure to get a bag and shopping list on the 24th!

Upcoming Community Office Hours

Thursday February 14th 3:30-5:30 p.m. @Caffe Sole Thursday February 28th 11:30-1:30 @Bread Works Saturday March 9th 10-12 @CUCC: Family Office Hours with Nicole and Progressive Christian Ed!

Women of CUCC

Please join our group of wonderful CUCC women to share ideas and fellowship over coffee: 1st Sunday of each month, 8:30 am at Lucky's Market Table Mesa Community Room; 3rd Sunday of each month, bring your own bag lunch to meet after service in the church office. Next Date: Sunday, February 17, 11:30 AM in the administrative area. To volunteer to facilitate morning meetings, or with questions, please contact Sue N, Janet H and Barbara W with questions.

Book Group

A small group has been meeting to discuss books of interest. It's pretty informal and newcomers are very welcome. We had a lively discussion on January 28 of Simon Mawr: Prague Spring. 1968 was a tumultuous year and people had various memories of Prague and Czechoslovakia from the past. We agreed we would read Harari: 21 Lessons for the 21st Century at our next meeting which will be Monday evening, March 4, at the Kleinman's house from 7 to 8:30. John has read it and is enthusiastic about it.  Please let Peter K or John T know if you're interested.

Support CUCC simply by buying groceries

Did you know that you can support the church by buying grocery cards? You buy the card for the face value ($25, $100) and the church gets 5% back! You only spend what you would on your grocery bills but you support the church when you do it. Several of our cards (King Soopers and Luckys) are even rechargeable, so you can continue giving 5% of all of your grocery purchases to the church by adding money to the cards when you use them.  We currently have King Soopers, Luckys, Natural Grocers, Sprouts and Safeway. Support CUCC every time you go grocery shopping! Stop by the table in the Fellowship Hall for more details.

Prayer Requests

If you have a prayer request, please fill out a blue card on Sunday. Prayer requests are confidential and are prayed for actively and intentionally every day by the prayer ministry team. If your request is for Rev. Nicole’s eyes only, there is a box to check on the blue card. The blank blue cards are in the red attendance pads, and also in a basket at the back of the church. Give your completed card to Nicole or to one of the prayer ministry team, or put it in the collection plate. You may also phone CUCC and leave a message for Nicole. Currently there are nine prayer partners on the team. If you wish to become a prayer partner, please contact Nicole at the church or Deborah H. Everyone is welcome to participate.

Financial support for CUCC

Approximately 80% of CUCC's operating budget is funded through either formal annual pledge commitments or informal periodic contributions made by the various individuals and households who call CUCC their spiritual home. Information on ways to provide your own financial support to CUCC is located on the church website: Also feel free to direct questions to the CUCC Financial Secretary, Andy Y, during Fellowship Hour after Sunday services or via email at

Progressive Christian Education

CUCC Sunday School February 17th Nursery Ages Infant- 2 1/2 years: Beth C Preschool/Kindergarten with Anna S 1st-3rd grade with Caitlin B 4th-5th grade with Janet H Middle School with Luna G

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