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CUCC is a welcoming community of spiritual seekers, with an ever-evolving progressive view of the Holy, that is actively engaged in building a world with justice for all creation.

Our Vision

Our Story

Our Story

In March of 1963 a Founding Committee for a new church in south Boulder was established. In June of that year the site in the upper Table Mesa neighborhood was purchased with the energy and resources from First Congregational Church of Boulder and the Rocky Mountain Conference of the United Church of Christ. 


The first worship service was held in 1964 in a house in Martin Park and was led by the Rev. Frederick Bradley. In 1967 the groundbreaking for the new building happened and the new community found its permanent home. The first name was Southern Hills United Church of Christ. In the mid-1980’s the name was officially changed to Community United Church of Christ to more fully reflect the spirit of the church. The building was expanded in 2002 to connect the sanctuary with the education building, the terrace was built in 2005, and in 2006 the labyrinth was built, all to offer another spiritual place for the community inside and outside of our walls to those who are seekers. 


Community UCC has been actively engaged in making the world better from the start. In 1985 the CUCC members protested at the nuclear weapons facility at Rocky Flats. In 1994 the church sponsored two Bosnian refugee families and in 2004 we sponsored five of the “Lost Boys” from South Sudan who immigrated to the Denver Metro Area. In 2022 we are currently sponsoring and supporting two families from Afghanistan as part of the Afghan Tri-Church Resettlement Project in Boulder County. In 1995 CUCC became an Open and Affirming congregation, officially welcoming people of all gender identities and expressions and in 2010 and again in 2021 the Statement was updated to reflect our evolving understanding of extravagant welcome.


In the early 2000’s, CUCC was instrumental in supporting what is now BCAP, the Boulder County AIDS Project and then the supporting the beginning of Boulder County Pride. In 2005, our Earth Action Team formed and began work on “greening” our building and the installation of solar panels on our property. In 2019, we began the process of removing part of our lawn to plant a garden with the support of Boundless Landscapes and currently our garden has expanded and is a collaboration with Community FoodShare where 100% of what is grown is donated to feed our neighbors in Boulder County. 


In June of 2021 in response to a massacre at our local grocery store, CUCC launched a nationwide Guns to Gardens movement with RawTools ( and other partners to safely destroy unwanted guns brought in by community members. We are actively engaged in building a world with justice for all creation; join us!

Our Structure

CUCC Open and Affirming Statement

At CUCC you are loved. While others claiming to be people of faith may have told you that how you identify or whom you love makes you a sinner, or an affront to God, we at Community United Church of Christ unwaveringly believe that God loves you just as you are and that God's love is why we are open and affirming!


As an Open and Affirming congregation, Community United Church of Christ:


  • Welcomes all individuals: lesbian, gay, bisexual, heterosexual, queer or questioning, cisgender, asexual, pansexual, transgender, intersex, binary, non-binary, gender fluid, gender-queer, bigender, grayscale, cross dressers, third-gender, and sexual and gender identities yet to be known, named or belonging to other cultures.

  • Welcomes all families: single parents, single people, couples, nuclear and blended families, families without children, extended and chosen families, polyamorous families, and families yet to be known or named. 

  • And, perhaps most importantly, we welcome all questions: questions about gender, questions about sexuality, questions about identity and how identity influences our lives and communities.  We welcome questions about the families we have and want, questions about what family means and how we create family.


No matter who you or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.

Our Structure

  Community United Church of Christ is a part of the United Church of Christ, and the Rocky Mountain Conference of the United Church of Christ. The UCC is a denomination grounded in congregational polity, meaning we are covenantally connected, self-governing and guided by the Holy Spirit. 


We operate with a Coordinating Council that meets monthly and includes officers and our Pastor along with representatives from six Commissions. All are welcome to participate in the life of our church, but the official governing body is membership assembled in regular or special meeting. Learn more about how to become a member here! 


Our Commissions work closely with Committees, the Council and our clergy to support our collaborative ministry model. Read more about below. 

Our Structure

Meet Our Staff


Nicole Lamarche (she/her)



Holden Sproul

Property Steward


Jackie Hibbard


Associate Pastor


Reece Classen


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Nicole Vickey


Student Chaplain


Anaise Brossier

Sunday Morning Child Care

Our Staff

Community United Church of Christ is a part of the United Church of Christ, and the Rocky Mountain Conference of the United Church of Christ. The UCC is a denomination grounded in congregational polity, meaning we are covenantally connected, self-governing and guided by the Holy Spirit. 


We operate with a Coordinating Council that meets monthly and includes officers and our Pastor along with representatives from six Commissions. All are welcome to participate in the life of our church, but the official governing body is membership assembled in regular or special meeting. Learn more about how to become a member here! To learn more about how we act with each other in Community, read our Behavioral and Communications Covenant.


Our Commissions work closely with Committees, the Council and our clergy to support our collaborative ministry model. Read more about below. 

Our Structure

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Rev. Kayrene Pearson

Pastor Emerita

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Pete Terpenning

Pastor Emeritus


CUCC is a Welcoming Community of Spiritual Seekers, with an ever-evolving progressive view of the Holy, that is actively engaged in building a world with justice for all creation.


Our Location:

2650 Table Mesa Dr.

Boulder CO 80305


Our mailing address: 

PO Box 3646

Boulder CO 80307




8am: Contemplative Worship

9am: Communal Reflection

10:30am: Progressive Christian Worship

11:30am:  Communal Fellowship


The 8am service is available via zoom here. Our 10:30am service is available via livestream here

  • YouTube

© 2022-2025 Community Church of Christ

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